martes, 23 de julio de 2019

Webquest 2

What are the  3 most common pathologies of cows?

The common pathologies is:
This skinknes is an infection in mamarian gland, cause  inflammation.
Aphtose fever:
this skinkes is an infection an contagious, the principal characteristic is small ampoule.
its is because hoof  deteroration, for wet or muddy areas.
Resultado de imagen para cow digestive system
Resultado de imagen para cow's skeletal
In this web site  you know the data and general characteristics of the horses, the peculiarities of their bodies, how their pregnancy passes and the raising of the foals, history and more information of interest.

Resultado de imagen para horse cardiovascular system

Why do you want to be a vet?

in my childhood (6-8 years) I desire be a veterinarian, later i change my opinion and in this moment i prefer informatic engineering, because i like machine and tecnology instrument.
when i postulate i put
-Veterinari medicine.
-Agronomy enginneering.
-informatic engineering.
 I dind´t change much XD.
Finally i choose Vererinari medicine because i like work with animals. and i prefer work with free animals or farm animals because i don´t like work locked into the 4 walls.

Animal Video

jueves, 11 de julio de 2019

Top Dog

Collie 99% match
CollieCollies are the Girl Scouts of the canine world — they're intelligent, resourceful, and intensely loyal. So loyal, in fact, that a Collie once traveled from Indiana all the way to Oregon (over 3,000 miles!) to find her family. And if you own a television, this breed probably looks familiar. Timmy's Collie and best friend, Lassie, is one of the most famous dogs in the world.

Originally bred for companionship, herding, and guarding, today many Collies are beloved family dogs. We can't promise yours will save you if you fall down a well, but train her right and your Collie will be a super friend.

With origins in Scotland and Wales, this large-sized and medium-energy breed can grow to between 50-75 pounds and lives an average of 8-12 years. The breed is recognized by the American Kennel Club and classified as a member of the Herding group.

I prefer a Cat...

Traslation in spanish.
Resultado de imagen para collie

 Los Collie son las scouts del mundo canino, ellos son inteligentes, ingeniosos y es un hecho que son muy leales.
Hace mucho un Collie viajo desde la India hasta Oregon todo un camino que corresponde a mas de 3.000 millas para encontrar una familia. si tu posees una TV. probablemente la cría de animales te parezca familiar.
El Collie de Timmy y su mejor amigo, Lassie, son unos de los mas famosos en el mundo.
 La crianza de Collies era originalmente para simple compañía, pastoreo y como perro guardián, hoy en día muchos de estos están destinados a ser perros de familia. Nosotros no podemos prometerte  que seras salvado cuando caigas, pero pueden ser entrenados correctamente y tu Collie sera tu mejor amigo.
Resultado de imagen para American Kennel Club Con orígenes escoceses y galeses, son una raza de gran tamaño y medianamente enérgeticos, suelen pesar alrededor de 50 a 75 libras y viven en promedio 8 a 12 años. la raza es reconocida por el "American Kennel Club" y clasificados como                                                            miembros del grupo de pastoreo.

Yo prefiero a los gatos...

Sbiba. (Aguante Google traductor)